Leadership Qualities

Team members should have a love for worshipping God.
We must be committed to honoring Him with our entire lives.

Spiritual Maturity
Every team member is a leader in worship. This requires maturity in many areas, including in our walk with Christ.

Committed Attender of theLighthouse
The nature of this ministry requires a commitment to the people, leadership, and the vision of theLighthouse.
We ask that you attend theLighthouse regularly, even when you are not scheduled to minister.
This includes Sunday morning worship and attendance at a small group (Home Group or Wednesday evening Growth Group).
It also includes being faithful in returning your tithe and offering to Lord.

Skillfull Excellence
We desire to flow with the Holy Spirit when He moves.
Our skill level should be such that we are not limited or distracted when He redirects.
He provides the gifts; we must work to master them.

Leadership Expectation

Personal Preparation
Our spiritual and musical preparation have direct implications on our effectiveness as a team.
Please come prepared in your hearts and in your craft to worship the Lord and minister to His people.

Personal Growth
As leaders, we must be committed to personal growth.
Spiritually through personal and corporate times of worship and discipleship.
Musically: Take the initiative to hone your craft; steward His gift well so it can also be a gift to His people.

Team Player
Team > Individual; our team is a single unit with a single purpose: to minister to God and to His people.
Our desire should be to use our skills to fulfill the team’s purpose, rather than draw individual attention.
One should always be willing to receive candid, constructive instruction when appropriate.
Being a team player also includes being on time, or communicating in the event that you will not be on time, as well as accepting or declining in a timely manner, so we can prepare accordingly.

Involvement Guidelines & Process

Acclimation Period
A two to four week period during which potential team members observe
and gain familiarity with the team and the team’s processes during rehearsal times.

General Meetings Times & Rehearsals
8:30a Sunday Vocal Rehearsal — Takes place in Pastor Jeremy’s office and is a time of warm up and rehearsing for that morning as well as preparing new songs.
9:00a Musician Prep — Takes place on the Sanctuary platform and is a time for musicians to setup their gear so rehearsal can start on time. (ie: Drums, Electric Guitar, Bass, etc)
9:15a Sunday Rehearsal — Sound check and rehearsal will begin on the Sanctuary platform.

Scheduling & Communication
Planning Center Online is our primary method of scheduling and communication. ( or the PCO App)
It is important to confirm or decline each week by Wednesday via Planning Center.
Notifications for Sunday go out on Mondays at 10a. A reminder goes out on Saturdays at 10a.
Our goal is to provide each musician or vocalist at least one Sunday off each month.
If you are going to be late or you are unable to serve, please communicate via phone call or text to Pastor Jeremy.
Blocking out dates in Planning Center helps us manage the various schedules our team members have.
If you’re involved in multiple areas of ministry on Sunday mornings or if you are planning to be out of town on a particular Sunday,
please block out those time frames in Planning Center.

Stage Presence & Attire
Team members should present themselves in a manner both glorifying to God and honoring to others.
Attire should not detract from the team accomplishing our purpose: to minister to God and to His people.
Modesty is important.
Please be aware that the stage is 3’ higher than the main floor; your legs are at eye-level for the congregation and the camera.
Be aware of this when standing and being seated on the stage. Since modesty can be subjective, please approach this topic with humility and openness,
and understand that this will be a learning experience as we strive to maintain a culture of modesty in our Worship Ministry.

Also be aware that if you are on the platform, you are on camera almost all the time.
Please convey through your actions and countenance that you are engaged in what is happening throughout the service.

If you want additional pointers, tips, or clarification:

Tailored is √, tight is X
Undergarments and torso should be covered (including when hands are raised)
Slacks or Jeans (No Shorts)

Statement of Agreement

I have read and I understand theLighthouse Worship Ministry Guidelines and Expectations. I agree to fulfill a one-year commitment to the worship ministry at theLighthouse and will follow the expectations and guidelines stated here.

Type your name