5 Special Gifts

These gifts are given to serve the church by raising up those who are called to a place of leadership, responsibility and duty. (These people hold an office within the church.) 

  • Apostle ⛪️– the ability to extend the gospel by raising up churches, are sent by churches, and who minister in other places. They adapt to culture and develop leaders in the churches. (Ephesians 4:11) 

  • Prophet  🔊– the ability to speak under inspiration from God - divinely and immediately under anointing.   It is the special ability to receive and communicate an immediate message of God to His people through a divinely-anointed utterance.  (Ephesians 4:11) 

    • There are two prophetic gifts. One is the special gift of being a prophet (office). The other is the speaking gift of prophecy 

  • Evangelist 📢– the ability to share the Gospel with non-believers in a way that men and women respond and become responsible members of the Body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11)  

  • Pastor 🐑– ability to lead and who assume long-term personal responsibility for the care and the spiritual welfare of a group of believers. (Ephesians 4:11) 

  • Teacher 📕– the ability of communicating the Word of God effectively in such a way that others learn and apply what is taught. (Ephesians 4:11) 

    • There are two teaching gifts. One is the special gift of being a teacher (office). The other is the speaking gift of teaching. 

5 Speaking Gifts

These gifts serve the church by communicating what God is saying.  

  • Prophecy 🔉– the ability to speak by the special inspiration of God to communicate an immediate message to His people. The speaking gift of prophecy alone does not mean you have the special gift of being a prophet (I Corinthians 12:10) 

  • Teaching 📗– the ability of communicating the Word of God effectively in such a way that others learn and apply what is taught. The speaking gift of teaching alone does not mean you have the special gift of being a teacher. (Romans 12:7) 

  • Exhortation 📞– the ability to call a person aside, to advise, recommend, admonish, encourage, or comfort. (Romans 12:8)  

  • Words of Wisdom 💭 - the ability to receive insight as to how knowledge may be applied to specific needs.  Apply the facts to bring a wise solution. Divine insight into people and situations that is not obvious to the average person. (I Corinthians 12:8)  

  • Word of Knowledge 💡 - the ability to understand things which others do not know and cannot comprehend and to share this knowledge with them under the inspiration of the Spirit.  (I Corinthians 12:8)

9 Serving Gifts

These gifts serve the church by providing structure, organization, and support in both spiritual and practical areas.  

  • Discerning of Spirits 🔎– the ability to evaluate people, doctrines, and situations as to whether they are of God or of Satan. (I Corinthians 12:10) 

  • Helps 🖐– the ability to assist others in the work of the Lord enabling them to increase the effectiveness of their own spiritual gifts. (I Corinthians 12:28) 

  • Leadership 👣- the ability to set goals in accord with God's purpose and to communicate these goals to others. (Romans 12:8) 

  • Serving 🤝– the ability to perform practical tasks related to the work of the Lord. A person who serves helps others accomplish spiritual goals by freeing them from routine but necessary duties. (Romans 12:6-7) 

    • Differs from helps in that it relieves someone of certain duties.  

  • Administration 👏– the ability to give direction, organize, and make decisions on behalf of others. (I Corinthians 12:28)  

    • Also called "governments" in the Bible.  

  • Mercy ❤️ - the ability to feel with and for another person with special compassion on those suffering and has the ability to help them immediately relieve suffering.  (Romans 12:8) 

  • Faith ☝️- the ability to believe with supernatural confidence and trust God in difficult circumstances. It is special faith to meet a special need knowing God is going to do the impossible (I Corinthians 12:9) 

  • Hospitality 🚪– the ability God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to provide food and lodging for those in need. A requirement for the use of this spiritual gift is that it is done without grudging (I Peter 4:9-10) 

  • Giving 🎁– the ability to give material goods and financial resources to the work of the Lord. This person does it with joy and eagerness. The gift of giving also includes the giving of time, strength, and talents to the work of the Lord.  (Romans 12:8) 

4 Sign Gifts

These gifts serve the church to show supernatural signs of God's power working through believers to confirm His Word.   

  • Miracles ☁️ – the ability to perform powerful acts which are beyond the possibility of occurring naturally. These supernatural acts are a sign that God's power is greater than that of Satan. (I Corinthians 12:7-10)   

  • Healing 🛌 – the ability to let God's power flow through them to restore health apart from the use of natural methods. All believers can pray for the sick.  Elders in the church can also pray for the sick.   But a believer with a gift of healing is used specifically and consistently by God in this area of ministry (I Corinthians 12:7-9) 

  • Tongues 🔥– the ability to receive and communicate a message of God to His people through a language never learned.  (I Corinthians 12:7-10)  

  • Interpretation of Tongues 🗣– the ability to make known the message of one who speaks in tongues. It is given by revelation from the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 12:7-10)  

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Source Citation: Steve Lawes